How to Maintain Your Orthodontic Routine as School Starts

As summer fades and school kicks off, keeping up with your orthodontic routine can feel like a challenge. 

With new schedules, extracurricular activities, and social events, it’s easy to let your braces or aligners take a backseat. However, maintaining your orthodontic care is crucial for achieving that perfect smile you’ve been working toward.

Preparing for a New School Year

As the new school year begins, keeping up with your orthodontic routine becomes increasingly important. A consistent approach ensures you achieve the best results from your treatment.

  • Cleanliness is Key:
    Keeping your teeth and braces clean prevents cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Brush your teeth immediately after eating, and use dental floss to remove food particles and debris from your braces.
  • Essential Items:
    Carry a supply kit with you. Include a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, dental wax, tissues, and a water bottle to ensure you can clean your teeth and braces anytime.
  • Mealtime Adjustments:
    Choose soft foods that are easy to chew. Avoid sugary drinks. Cut food into bite-sized pieces, and stay away from raw vegetables, hard cereals, and sticky or tough foods that can damage your braces.

Essential Items to Bring to School

Having the right items for your orthodontic care is crucial as school starts. A well-prepared braces care kit ensures you can maintain optimal oral hygiene throughout the day.

Braces Care Kit

Your braces care kit should include essential items for daily maintenance:

  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste:
    Carry a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush after meals to remove food particles and plaque.
  • Dental Floss:
    Use dental floss to clean between your teeth and around brackets. A floss threader can help navigate around wires.
  • Orthodontic Wax:
    This helps alleviate discomfort from braces rubbing against your gums or cheeks.
  • Lip Balm:
    Protect your lips from dryness or chapping caused by braces.
  • Rubber Bands:
    If you’ve been instructed to wear them, always keep a few on hand.
  • Retainer and Case:
    If you’re on a retainer, bring it, along with a case to keep it safe.
  • Mouthguard:
    For sporting activities, a mouthguard prevents damage to your braces and teeth.
  • Mirror:
    A small pocket mirror allows you to check your braces after meals.
  • Small Cup for Rinsing:
    Use it for mouth rinses to freshen up after eating.
  • Over-the-Counter Pain Medicine:
    Stock some pain relief medication for any discomfort after adjustment appointments.

Accessories for Braces Protection

Protecting your braces from potential damage is equally important. Consider these accessories:

  • Orthodontic Mouthguard:
    Essential for athletes, these guard against injuries while participating in sports.
  • Brace Covers:
    These can shield brackets during mealtime, particularly with chewy or crunchy foods.
  • Foods to Avoid List:
    Keep a list of foods that can harm your braces, such as hard candies, sticky sweets, and popcorn, easily accessible for reference.

Using these items effectively throughout the school day promotes a consistent orthodontic care routine, ensuring your treatment progresses smoothly.

Managing Your Diet with Braces

Maintaining a diet suitable for braces is vital for effective orthodontic treatment. Adhering to specific dietary guidelines helps prevent discomfort and ensures your braces function properly.

Foods to Avoid

  • Hard and Crunchy Foods:
    Steer clear of popcorn kernels, nuts, seeds, hard candies, and tough fruits like apples and carrots. These items can damage brackets and wires.

    Instead, cut hard fruits and vegetables into smaller pieces for safe consumption.
  • Sticky Foods:
    Avoid sticky candies, such as caramels and gummies, as they can cling to your braces, making cleaning difficult. Chewing gum can also pose similar risks, potentially causing damage and increasing plaque buildup.
  • Others:
    Foods like pizza crusts and tough meats can also cause issues. Opt for softer alternatives to protect your orthodontic treatment.

Braces-Friendly Foods

  • Yogurt:
    Soft and smooth, yogurt serves as an excellent snack option, providing calcium for healthy teeth.
  • Cheese:
    Soft cheeses cut easily and offer a nutritious choice without causing damage to braces.
  • Pudding and Jell-O:
    These treats are easy to eat, satisfying your sweet tooth while being braces-friendly.
  • Smoothies:
    Blend fruits and vegetables for a nutritious beverage that won’t harm your braces.
  • Soft Vegetables:
    Foods like mashed potatoes, steamed zucchini, and spinach are gentle on braces and healthy choices.

By carefully selecting foods and snacks, you promote better oral health and enhance your orthodontic experience.

Oral Hygiene Tips for School

Maintaining oral hygiene during the school year is essential for your orthodontic health. Here are some crucial tips to support your routine.

Effective Cleaning Techniques

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush specifically designed for braces. Brush at least twice daily for two minutes, using fluoride toothpaste. 

Focus on cleaning around brackets, wires, and other appliances. Employ circular motions to ensure all surfaces—front, back, and chewing—are clean.

Utilize floss threaders, orthodontic floss, or specialized tools to effectively reach areas near braces or wires. Floss once a day to eliminate plaque and food debris from places a toothbrush can’t reach.

Incorporate an antibacterial mouthwash into your routine. Use it after brushing and flossing to reduce bacteria and promote fresher breath.

Staying on Track with Your Braces Care

Set Reminders
Schedule reminders on your phone or use sticky notes to prompt you to brush and floss, especially after meals at school.

Portable Care Kit
Keep a braces care kit in your backpack. Include a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, orthodontic wax, and a small mirror to maintain your routine throughout the day.

Engage Peers
Encourage friends to join your orthodontic care efforts. Establishing group brushing time can help foster accountability and make dental care more enjoyable.

Handling Emergencies

Navigating orthodontic emergencies requires prompt action to ensure treatment stays on track. Here are essential steps to manage unexpected situations effectively.

What to Do with Broken Braces

  1. Keep the Bracket in Place:
    Use orthodontic wax to cover broken brackets and prevent irritation. Gently reposition the broken bracket with tweezers if possible.

    Avoid applying excessive pressure to prevent further damage.
  2. Avoid Tightening or Adjusting:
    Don’t attempt to tighten or adjust any loose parts yourself. This can cause misalignment, complicating your treatment.
  3. Maintain Oral Hygiene:
    Continue brushing and flossing around broken brackets to keep your mouth clean. Use caution to avoid aggravating the affected area while cleaning.

How to Handle a Braces Emergency

  1. Assess the Situation:
    Determine the severity of the emergency. Call your orthodontist’s office for guidance if the issue causes significant pain, discomfort, or affects your orthodontic devices.
  2. Explain the Problem:
    Provide detailed information to your orthodontist, including the type of emergency and any immediate steps you’ve taken. This helps them assist you more effectively.
  3. Schedule an Appointment:
    Make an emergency appointment if advised. Timely intervention minimizes the risk of further complications and helps keep your treatment on track.

Staying Consistent with Appointments

Consistency in orthodontic appointments plays a crucial role in your treatment success. Keeping these appointments ensures your orthodontist can monitor progress, make necessary adjustments, and address any concerns that arise.

Importance of Regular Check-ups

Regular check-ups facilitate early detection of orthodontic issues. Early intervention prevents small concerns, like bite problems and tooth misalignments, from escalating into serious issues. 

Regular visits also function as a proactive approach, addressing potential problems before they worsen, thus minimizing disruption to your treatment routine.

Scheduling Adjustments

Adjust your schedule proactively to accommodate orthodontic appointments. Prioritize these visits in your calendar to prevent overlap with school activities.

Communicate with your orthodontist’s office about available time slots to ensure they fit your routine seamlessly. If necessary, reschedule in advance to maintain a consistent care plan, protecting the integrity of your orthodontic treatment.


Starting school doesn’t have to mean neglecting your orthodontic care. By staying organized and prioritizing your routine you can ensure your treatment stays on track. 

Remember to pack your orthodontic essentials and stick to your oral hygiene practices even on busy days. Keep an eye on your diet to avoid any discomfort and be prepared for any emergencies that might arise. 

Regular appointments with your orthodontist are crucial for monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments. With a little planning and commitment you can maintain your orthodontic routine and enjoy a successful school year ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I manage my braces during the school year?

To manage your braces effectively, maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine. Carry a travel toothbrush, floss, and braces wax in your backpack. Also, rinse your mouth with water after meals and brush as soon as you get home. Stay organized to adapt to changing schedules while prioritizing dental care.

What should I eat with braces at school?

Focus on soft foods that won’t damage your braces, like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies. Avoid hard, sticky, or crunchy foods—like popcorn and candies—that can break or get stuck in your braces. Always choose healthy options to ensure proper nutrition.

What should I do if I have an orthodontic emergency at school?

If you experience an orthodontic emergency, try to stay calm. For a broken wire, use a pencil eraser to push it back into place. If you have a loose bracket, try to keep it in place, and inform your orthodontist as soon as possible for guidance.

How often should I visit my orthodontist during the school year?

It’s crucial to keep up with your scheduled orthodontic appointments, typically every 4 to 8 weeks. These visits allow your orthodontist to monitor your progress, make necessary adjustments, and address any concerns. Regular check-ups help prevent delays in treatment.

Can I participate in sports while wearing braces?

Yes, you can participate in sports with braces, but it’s important to protect your mouth. Wear a mouthguard to prevent injuries to your braces and teeth. Discuss options with your orthodontist to find a suitable mouthguard designed for use with braces.